Product manager: a CEO’S best training ground

Product manager – It’s the one individual role that best prepares people to be a CEO. It’s a great training ground for chief executives and arguably the single most important individual […]
The no assholes policy and company culture

What do you do if one of your star performers is a colossal jerk? You know the type: He or she treats people poorly, doesn’t think the rules apply, behaves […]
How CEOS hire: Elon Musk on intrviewing every candidate

“I actually interview everyone at SpaceX personally. And we’re a 500-person company, so that’s a lot of interviews. “What do I look for? It depends on the task. You know, […]
How to effectively communicate your company’s strategy

Strategy is probably the single most talked about area of business. Academics like Michael Porter and Roger Martin have made their careers writing and consulting on business strategy. Numerous consulting […]
What does it take to be a good CEO?

Podcast Episode #251: Joel Trammell Hosted by Ryan Tansom What makes an amazing CEO? Today’s guest is going to show us how to measure the impact a CEO is having on a company—even if […]
5 Responsibilities of a CEO: Deliver performance

I recently discussed how important building the culture is to maximizing performance. The CEO must also take an active role in driving that performance, which is the fifth and final key CEO […]
5 Responsibilities of a CEO : Build the culture

I’ve recently discussed how CEOs need to own the vision and provide the proper resources. Another key responsibility is to Build the Culture. The right culture is so important in maximizing business performance that […]
5 Responsibilities of a CEO: Make good decisions

The breadth of issues new CEOs are forced to deal with on a daily basis often surprises them. One minute they are discussing a new product, the next a building […]
5 Responsibilities of a CEO: Own the vision

What exactly does a CEO do? You may have asked this question whether you are a CEO or not (or maybe especially if you are a CEO!). I recently completed […]
5 Responsibilities of a CEO OF A CE: Provide the proper resources

I just published the second article for this series in my Forbes column: The Resource Allocation Dilemma Faced By CEOs Every Single Day. The premise for this blog as my readers […]